Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Love, Lies, and the Drama of Facebook

I attempted to stay away from talking about Bristol on my blog recently but now I feel that I need to share something with all of you that has been happening behind the scenes.

You see I have a new man in my life and I could not be happier. In fact I have been so busy just being happy that I have not had time to write a post to share my good news with the visitors to my blog.

Anyhow without my knowledge Bristol has apparently gone behind my back and sent my boyfriend, Chris, lies about my good friend Jesse (Gryphen) and Dennis (Zaki) in an attempt to split us up.

Texting him things like "My brother is in the military, and I know you are a soldier as well. Since you are a patriot serving his country don't you think you deserve to hang out with a better class of people than somebody who would be friends with a pedophile?"

So I confronted Bristol about it on Facebook and here is the exchange. (P.S. You will have to excuse any spelling errors or punctuation mistakes, I was pretty upset when I wrote it.)

Mercede Johnston January 9 at 5:02pm
You are WAY out of line going out of your way to contact my boyfriend and spreading accusations. Mind your own business. Jesse has NOTHING to do with Chris. I've been leaving you alone and I expect if you do the same and stop going around talking shit about me in comments on Facebook. That's petty, immature, and what you are saying could not be further from the truth.

Just because you don't like who I associate with does not mean you have the right to try and bash him to my boyfriend. I don't know exactly what your intentions are but I would hope you could focus on other things instead of me or Jesse. Delete my boyfriends number, we don't need you trying to start stuff. I'm sorry if you aren't happy but we are beyond happy. You claim I'm "obsessed with you and your family" yet you are the one going out of your way to leave comments regularly degrading the aunt of your child and texting my boyfriend. You seriously need a reality check.

And one more thing Bristol. You said you feel sorry for Levi and Tripp because they are related to me by blood. Ha, well I know once Tripp gets older he will correct you. I know for a fact he loves me and will come to me when he is old enough to understand. You have no clue how good of an aunt I am to him because you can't look past all of that drama we had in our past. Which is so unfortunate because that's not what's best for Tripp. I hope one day you can put the past behind us for the sake of your son. As for Levi, he's lucky to have me as a sister and I am lucky to have him as a brother. You have no idea what you're talking about.

I have been civil with you and always will be, I can only hope one day that you will be too.

I sincerely hope you do have a good day and I really wish you'd talk with me as an adult.

Give Tripp my love.
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